
IoT Ventures works with entrepreneurs and business customers, local and regional Government, farm suppliers and farm industry groups to deliver IoT LoRaWAN® solutions to support agriculture and horticulture. 

Farm Water Management 

Water to Grow is an integrated farm water monitoring and control solution for farmers and growers.

Water to Grow provides farmers and growers with one place for water with the ability to control essential farm infrastructure from your mobile phone on a common platform including Pasture and Crop Irrigation, Farm Water Infrastructure, storage and use, Dairy Farm Effluent storage and application.

Water to Grow offers comprehensive, economical, reliable, low maintenance measurement across your property with a single login and easy to read displays for phone, tablet or PC.

Feed Storage and Distribution

GrainSure measures the fill level of silos across farms, reports on feed usage rate, calculates run out dates and helps farmers to order on time. For feed suppliers and distributors this means scheduled and automatic fill requests with accurate volumes. Feed suppliers enjoy longer lead times, better scheduling, and happy farmers. 

Stock Drinking Water

Keep your stock hydrated and well by making sure they always have water.  Monitor trough fill levels and identify issues early.  

Our Partners in Agriculture